School Structure
Introducing the Reflection, Infinity, and Integration Classrooms ... The SOLi School structure is different than most schools. It is neither linear nor vertical. Spiritual growth is never linear, so why should a school reflect that limited concept? Our consciousness is holographic, and thus our spiritual evolution unfolds in a holographic way too – expressing many aspects simultaneously. However, we do live in a linear reality, and so to some degree, we have to embrace linearity where it serves us. Consequentially, you will find that while we offer programs that support the concept of simultaneity and the holographic nature of consciousness, we have to present them in a linear way as well, so the mind can understand the intent. |
SOLi School is comprised of three “classrooms.” Each classroom offers a
specific aspect of our total evolution from a “limited human” to the infinite
beings that we are. In order to categorize these classrooms, we borrow from our
training in both eastern and western philosophies: Taoist and Yogic from the
east, and the ancient teachings of sacred geometry from the west. Synthesized
together, the “road map” of our evolution becomes multi-dimensional indeed.
Before we describe the classrooms, let us first provide an overview of this road map of evolution. Where does it lead?
One of the most ancient and profound of these road maps left by the ancient masters is that of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. When we say “yoga,” we do not mean the commercial understanding of yoga, which is simply doing a series of postures. Yoga is a science of consciousness, and its practice takes many forms. In a sense, the word "yoga" can be used to describe many practices. The Yoga Sutras (or “threads”), a series of ancient oral teachings first written down by the sage Patanjali, describes the road map of awakening that was followed by sages before recorded history.
The term “yoga” means “to yoke” – as one would bind oxen to a cart. This is a metaphor that expresses how yogic practices serve to “yoke” the mind and ego – control them from running off in a thousand directions. Yoga and/or spiritual practices that are authentic will facilitate discipline and focus, improved concentration, a release of ego motivation, and much more. Ultimately, the road map of yoga leads to true liberation – the awareness as pure consciousness itself.
For those who want a quick understanding of what this road map entails, the first few sutras give an overview. Boiling down the most fundamental truths in the sutras, we can say that:
The practice of yoga is one of stilling the mind. When the mind stills, we may then see our True Nature as one of infinite, abiding consciousness
Thus, when the mind stills and we become quiet, we have the potential to experience our infinite nature beyond the human perspective. As we experience our own infinite nature, we realize that we are truly just one consciousness. Our “separate parts” are called home, and a profound process of integration unfolds. Once this process begins, it becomes nearly impossible to go back – perception changes, as well as our very existence as human beings. This is a key step in our spiritual journey.
This journey of awakening, as outlined in the above paragraph, constitutes the qualities of the classrooms in the SOLi School. We offer courses that work with the energy and consciousness of each classroom, or aspect of our evolution. These classrooms are:
Before we describe the classrooms, let us first provide an overview of this road map of evolution. Where does it lead?
One of the most ancient and profound of these road maps left by the ancient masters is that of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. When we say “yoga,” we do not mean the commercial understanding of yoga, which is simply doing a series of postures. Yoga is a science of consciousness, and its practice takes many forms. In a sense, the word "yoga" can be used to describe many practices. The Yoga Sutras (or “threads”), a series of ancient oral teachings first written down by the sage Patanjali, describes the road map of awakening that was followed by sages before recorded history.
The term “yoga” means “to yoke” – as one would bind oxen to a cart. This is a metaphor that expresses how yogic practices serve to “yoke” the mind and ego – control them from running off in a thousand directions. Yoga and/or spiritual practices that are authentic will facilitate discipline and focus, improved concentration, a release of ego motivation, and much more. Ultimately, the road map of yoga leads to true liberation – the awareness as pure consciousness itself.
For those who want a quick understanding of what this road map entails, the first few sutras give an overview. Boiling down the most fundamental truths in the sutras, we can say that:
The practice of yoga is one of stilling the mind. When the mind stills, we may then see our True Nature as one of infinite, abiding consciousness
Thus, when the mind stills and we become quiet, we have the potential to experience our infinite nature beyond the human perspective. As we experience our own infinite nature, we realize that we are truly just one consciousness. Our “separate parts” are called home, and a profound process of integration unfolds. Once this process begins, it becomes nearly impossible to go back – perception changes, as well as our very existence as human beings. This is a key step in our spiritual journey.
This journey of awakening, as outlined in the above paragraph, constitutes the qualities of the classrooms in the SOLi School. We offer courses that work with the energy and consciousness of each classroom, or aspect of our evolution. These classrooms are:
The REFLECTION Classroom

The REFLECTION Classroom works with the most basic concepts and understandings needed to follow the road map that we've outlined. In this classroom, we work with several key practices that help students to begin the process of stilling the mind and developing the ability to see their true nature. In this classroom, we also work with the human ego - what it is, how it can help or hinder us, and how to learn from its lessons. We work with emotions, and understanding the games of the mind. We also work with Svadhyaya (self-observation), so that students can begin to use the reflective universe in a way that helps them see themselves without judgment. This is why this classroom is named as it is - because it is the classroom in which we truly and deeply look into the reflection of ourselves.
Within this classroom, we must also work with the human body and the human energy field. Many students have mistakenly believed that spiritual evolution can be achieved without embracing the needs of the body or the body’s energy. However, true integration means embracing all of who we are, and that includes the body. So in this classroom we will also offer many diverse practices that come from Taoist and yoga traditions (including asana-yoga postures, breath work, qi gong, etc.) in order to facilitate a balancing (and in some cases, a dramatic healing) of the physical and energy bodies.
In this classroom we also work with the energy center known in Eastern traditions as the dan tien (China) / dan jon (Korea) / hara (Japan). This energy center, located in the abdomen, is the “gas tank” in which we store our chi. It is the energy center that fuels our body and our spiritual practices. Without a full tank, it becomes more challenging to experience our fullest potential, and to balance mental, emotional, and physical needs.
While the SOLi School is not linear, the courses in the Reflection Classroom are a great place to start. However, you will find that courses in other classrooms will also include teachings from the Reflection Classroom. This is how we express the holographic nature of the human consciousness.
ICON: The icon for this classroom (seen above) is the traditional Hindu symbol for the sacral chakra, called Swadhisthana. We chose this symbol because of the importance of the work with the dan jon (dan tien/hara) center in the abdomen, and its importance in building a strong foundation for our spiritual unfoldment. Courses within the Reflection Classroom will explore this idea in much depth. In our course list, you will see this icon “rating” near the course description, to show that the energy and consciousness of the Reflection Classroom is activated in that particular course.
Within this classroom, we must also work with the human body and the human energy field. Many students have mistakenly believed that spiritual evolution can be achieved without embracing the needs of the body or the body’s energy. However, true integration means embracing all of who we are, and that includes the body. So in this classroom we will also offer many diverse practices that come from Taoist and yoga traditions (including asana-yoga postures, breath work, qi gong, etc.) in order to facilitate a balancing (and in some cases, a dramatic healing) of the physical and energy bodies.
In this classroom we also work with the energy center known in Eastern traditions as the dan tien (China) / dan jon (Korea) / hara (Japan). This energy center, located in the abdomen, is the “gas tank” in which we store our chi. It is the energy center that fuels our body and our spiritual practices. Without a full tank, it becomes more challenging to experience our fullest potential, and to balance mental, emotional, and physical needs.
While the SOLi School is not linear, the courses in the Reflection Classroom are a great place to start. However, you will find that courses in other classrooms will also include teachings from the Reflection Classroom. This is how we express the holographic nature of the human consciousness.
ICON: The icon for this classroom (seen above) is the traditional Hindu symbol for the sacral chakra, called Swadhisthana. We chose this symbol because of the importance of the work with the dan jon (dan tien/hara) center in the abdomen, and its importance in building a strong foundation for our spiritual unfoldment. Courses within the Reflection Classroom will explore this idea in much depth. In our course list, you will see this icon “rating” near the course description, to show that the energy and consciousness of the Reflection Classroom is activated in that particular course.
The INFINITY Classroom

The INFINITY Classroom continues the journey on the road map toward awakening by exploring the infinite nature of consciousness in a variety of ways. In this classroom, we continue to emphasize the teachings of the Reflection Classroom, but marry them with the teachings of sacred geometry (when appropriate) – specifically the exploration of the phi spiral, which is a metaphor for the Divine. We offer tools to help students to travel this spiral in order to open the heart and move even more deeply into the experiential understanding of the infinite nature of consciousness.
Sometimes when students hear the word “geometry” they immediately shut down or create an image of what that means. The courses in the Infinity Classroom are not intellectual courses. Knowledge of math or geometry is not required. Rather, when the ancient masters taught about sacred geometry, it was always for the purpose of using it to tap into the divine nature of human consciousness. The courses in the Infinity Classroom are highly experiential. They may include sacred geometry, meditation, power spot work, or any offerings that help to activate the student’s tangible experience of his or herself as infinite in nature.
Our signature course, Seed of Life Level I, is an Infinity Classroom course. Graduates who have taken the course have seen their lives changed by glimpsing the true nature of their being. Courses in this classroom are highly transformative and experiential. They help students release the need for external tools and to rely on their own divine connections as a true source of inspiration and guidance.
ICON: The icon for this classroom (seen above) is the Hindu symbol for the heart chakra called Anahata. We chose this icon because the courses in the Infinity Classroom rapidly and profoundly open the heart and transform the student when the time is right for them. The infinite spiral permeates all life, and is profoundly felt through the heart. Courses within the Infinity Classroom will explore this idea in much depth. In our course list, you will see this icon “rating” near the course description, to show that the energy and consciousness of the Infinity Classroom is activated in that particular course.
Sometimes when students hear the word “geometry” they immediately shut down or create an image of what that means. The courses in the Infinity Classroom are not intellectual courses. Knowledge of math or geometry is not required. Rather, when the ancient masters taught about sacred geometry, it was always for the purpose of using it to tap into the divine nature of human consciousness. The courses in the Infinity Classroom are highly experiential. They may include sacred geometry, meditation, power spot work, or any offerings that help to activate the student’s tangible experience of his or herself as infinite in nature.
Our signature course, Seed of Life Level I, is an Infinity Classroom course. Graduates who have taken the course have seen their lives changed by glimpsing the true nature of their being. Courses in this classroom are highly transformative and experiential. They help students release the need for external tools and to rely on their own divine connections as a true source of inspiration and guidance.
ICON: The icon for this classroom (seen above) is the Hindu symbol for the heart chakra called Anahata. We chose this icon because the courses in the Infinity Classroom rapidly and profoundly open the heart and transform the student when the time is right for them. The infinite spiral permeates all life, and is profoundly felt through the heart. Courses within the Infinity Classroom will explore this idea in much depth. In our course list, you will see this icon “rating” near the course description, to show that the energy and consciousness of the Infinity Classroom is activated in that particular course.

The INTEGRATION Classroom accelerates the journey into wholeness by focusing on courses that profoundly stimulate an integration process with any parts of us (or the universe) that we may still perceive as “separate.” Looking at the road map in a linear way, we have activated the process of stilling and seeing our true nature in the Reflection Classroom, and we then began to experience our unconditionally loving and infinite nature in the Infinity Classroom. Now it is time to move outward into the Universe (as well as deep within ourselves) in order to embrace all aspects of life and awareness as being one and the same. In this classroom, we can tangibly feel that the same consciousness is looking out through the eyes of every being in Creation.
Within the Integration Classroom, we bring in the star lineage teachings, to help us learn to embrace “other” and deepen the integration process. We also work with going deep within us to embrace the parts of us that we may not wish to love. We work with our capacity to become channels for divine energy – in any way that is right for us. We also utilize all that we have learned and experienced in the other classrooms to fuel our integration back to Source. In the Integration Classroom we continue to work with stilling and seeing but also becoming – merging once again with our true limitless nature.
ICON: The icon for this classroom (seen above) is the Hindu symbol for the brow chakra called Ajna. It is said that this point is the place at which the two channels or nadis in the body, the Ida and Pingala, merge with the central channel called Sushumna, signifying the end of duality. This is a perfect symbol for the Integration Classroom, for it encourages us to continue to move beyond polarity and duality in the human existence and see the true nature of reality. The courses within the Integration Classroom all have that intent at heart. Courses within the Integration Classroom will explore this idea in much depth. In our course list, you will see this icon “rating” near the course description, to show that the energy and consciousness of the Integration Classroom is activated in that particular course.
Within the Integration Classroom, we bring in the star lineage teachings, to help us learn to embrace “other” and deepen the integration process. We also work with going deep within us to embrace the parts of us that we may not wish to love. We work with our capacity to become channels for divine energy – in any way that is right for us. We also utilize all that we have learned and experienced in the other classrooms to fuel our integration back to Source. In the Integration Classroom we continue to work with stilling and seeing but also becoming – merging once again with our true limitless nature.
ICON: The icon for this classroom (seen above) is the Hindu symbol for the brow chakra called Ajna. It is said that this point is the place at which the two channels or nadis in the body, the Ida and Pingala, merge with the central channel called Sushumna, signifying the end of duality. This is a perfect symbol for the Integration Classroom, for it encourages us to continue to move beyond polarity and duality in the human existence and see the true nature of reality. The courses within the Integration Classroom all have that intent at heart. Courses within the Integration Classroom will explore this idea in much depth. In our course list, you will see this icon “rating” near the course description, to show that the energy and consciousness of the Integration Classroom is activated in that particular course.