Mission Statement

Seed of Life Institute (SOLi) and the SOLi School are the realization of a long-held vision of founders Ronald Holt and Lyssa Royal Holt. With more than 45 years of combined experience as seminar leaders, spiritual teachers, yoga/martial arts instructors, and authors, they bring a new, fresh look at what spiritual growth really means in a valuable and practical way, and provide experiential tools to help students navigate the journey of their own awakening. Spiritual growth isn't about learning the latest "technique" or listening to the teachings or opinions of one person, but about being open to all Truths. An authentic spiritual path is usually walked alone, with gentle guidance along the way. The SOLi School offers guidance for those seekers.
The ancient masters on Earth (from both the East and West) have already charted the course to awakening many times over. They passed many of these teachings on through oral tradition or writings. Some of these writings have survived until today, yet many of them have become religions or dogma and their true essence has been lost. Within the SOLi School, our intention is to utilize some of these ancient core truths revered by the masters, and assist students in applying this wisdom in everyday life through a variety of useful, practical, fun, and profound life-changing methodologies that can greatly aid each person as they walk their spiritual path. Within the SOLi School however, it will always be asserted that the methodology or the tool is not the "magic" and should never be mistaken to be "the answer." Tools have their value, but when it is time to let them go, we must do so - otherwise we cannot ever truly evolve.
Our commitment is to offer authentic teachings and practices of real value, yet totally applicable to modern day. This also means that our teachers are committed to their own authenticity by embracing the qualities that exemplify authentic teachers in both their public and private lives: integrity, honesty, transparency, impeccability, and humility. In order for anyone to aspire to embrace these qualities, a key concept must also be embraced - that of Svadhyaya, the Sanskrit word for non-judgmental self-observation.
The main obstacle of our awakening is ourselves, or rather, the aspect of human existence that we call 'ego.' This ego is neither good nor bad, but simply a function of being human. However, it often also serves the function of obscuring our true nature, which is the limitless, all-abiding consciousness of Creation itself.
Thus, when we practice loving self-observation, we learn about our egoic habits and patterns and, without judgment, we can watch how they sabotage our awakening. As we are honest with ourselves, we can actually learn to no longer allow ourselves to give power to the illusions of the ego - thus empowering our ability to abide as the limitless consciousness that we are. This is true spiritual evolution.
No one has all the answers, or the "special technique" that will fix the world's ills. But as we observe ourselves, be kind to ourselves, let the road map of the ancients and the wisdom of the now guide us, we can indeed walk an authentic spiritual path that is not attached to a person, thing, or technique.
We at Seed of Life Institute, through our SOLi School, pledge to provide programs and guidance to help seekers see themselves clearly, love and accept themselves and others, tangibly experience what it means to be an infinite consciousness, and encourage true and authentic spiritual growth that is unique for each individual. We are only guides on this path, and we are greatly honored to be of service.
Ronald Holt and Lyssa Royal Holt
Seed of Life Institute and the SOLi School
On the surface, SOLi is an acronym for Seed of Life Institute. But more deeply, "sol" is the Spanish word for sun and symbolizes the bright light within -- the light of awareness within all beings that is our true essence.
The ancient masters on Earth (from both the East and West) have already charted the course to awakening many times over. They passed many of these teachings on through oral tradition or writings. Some of these writings have survived until today, yet many of them have become religions or dogma and their true essence has been lost. Within the SOLi School, our intention is to utilize some of these ancient core truths revered by the masters, and assist students in applying this wisdom in everyday life through a variety of useful, practical, fun, and profound life-changing methodologies that can greatly aid each person as they walk their spiritual path. Within the SOLi School however, it will always be asserted that the methodology or the tool is not the "magic" and should never be mistaken to be "the answer." Tools have their value, but when it is time to let them go, we must do so - otherwise we cannot ever truly evolve.
Our commitment is to offer authentic teachings and practices of real value, yet totally applicable to modern day. This also means that our teachers are committed to their own authenticity by embracing the qualities that exemplify authentic teachers in both their public and private lives: integrity, honesty, transparency, impeccability, and humility. In order for anyone to aspire to embrace these qualities, a key concept must also be embraced - that of Svadhyaya, the Sanskrit word for non-judgmental self-observation.
The main obstacle of our awakening is ourselves, or rather, the aspect of human existence that we call 'ego.' This ego is neither good nor bad, but simply a function of being human. However, it often also serves the function of obscuring our true nature, which is the limitless, all-abiding consciousness of Creation itself.
Thus, when we practice loving self-observation, we learn about our egoic habits and patterns and, without judgment, we can watch how they sabotage our awakening. As we are honest with ourselves, we can actually learn to no longer allow ourselves to give power to the illusions of the ego - thus empowering our ability to abide as the limitless consciousness that we are. This is true spiritual evolution.
No one has all the answers, or the "special technique" that will fix the world's ills. But as we observe ourselves, be kind to ourselves, let the road map of the ancients and the wisdom of the now guide us, we can indeed walk an authentic spiritual path that is not attached to a person, thing, or technique.
We at Seed of Life Institute, through our SOLi School, pledge to provide programs and guidance to help seekers see themselves clearly, love and accept themselves and others, tangibly experience what it means to be an infinite consciousness, and encourage true and authentic spiritual growth that is unique for each individual. We are only guides on this path, and we are greatly honored to be of service.
Ronald Holt and Lyssa Royal Holt
Seed of Life Institute and the SOLi School
On the surface, SOLi is an acronym for Seed of Life Institute. But more deeply, "sol" is the Spanish word for sun and symbolizes the bright light within -- the light of awareness within all beings that is our true essence.