Our Books in Print or eBook Format
In this section, we offer books written by SOLi directors Lyssa Royal Holt and/or Ronald Holt. The links will take you directly to the Amazon.com page where the books can be purchased.
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Please be sure to order from the correct section - either paperback or downloadable eBook format. Newest items are on the top. The SOLi Bookstore is serviced by Amazon.com and therefore all order inquiries, including returns, should be directed to Amazon.com. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
New Book! The Great Awakening
Our Prophesized Transformation and the Attainment of Embodied Enlightenment
Available October 1, 2024 (Pre-Orders are Available!)
By Mike Dooley, with Contributions by Channels Lyssa Royal Holt, Darryl Anka, Sara Landon, Daniel Scranton, Matt Kahn, Jessie Herman, Sal Rachele, and Tracy Farquhar.
New York Times bestselling author Mike Dooley invites 6 world-renowned authors to channel their often shocking and inspiring insights on the mysteries hinted at by ancient prophecies. They discuss the energetic and psychic upheaval we're now living through, offering unique lessons on how each of us can now tap into our own supernatural powers. They also speak of Earth's ascended masters and how they performed their miracles, offering step-by-step instructions for our own self-realization (otherwise known as embodied enlightenment or Christ consciousness). Contributors include Darryl Anka, Matt Kahn, Sara Landon, Salvatore Rachele, Lyssa Royal Holt, Daniel Scranton, Jessie Herman, and Tracy Farquhar.
Amazon Pre-Orders Are Available! CLICK HERE for more information.
By Mike Dooley, with Contributions by Channels Lyssa Royal Holt, Darryl Anka, Sara Landon, Daniel Scranton, Matt Kahn, Jessie Herman, Sal Rachele, and Tracy Farquhar.
New York Times bestselling author Mike Dooley invites 6 world-renowned authors to channel their often shocking and inspiring insights on the mysteries hinted at by ancient prophecies. They discuss the energetic and psychic upheaval we're now living through, offering unique lessons on how each of us can now tap into our own supernatural powers. They also speak of Earth's ascended masters and how they performed their miracles, offering step-by-step instructions for our own self-realization (otherwise known as embodied enlightenment or Christ consciousness). Contributors include Darryl Anka, Matt Kahn, Sara Landon, Salvatore Rachele, Lyssa Royal Holt, Daniel Scranton, Jessie Herman, and Tracy Farquhar.
Amazon Pre-Orders Are Available! CLICK HERE for more information.
Published September 1, 2019!
The Golden Lake: Wisdom from the Stars for Life on Earth
by Lyssa Royal Holt
Published by Light Technology Publishing
Beginning with the classic book The Prism of Lyra in 1989, Lyssa Royal Holt’s channeling has focused on deep, profound galactic wisdom that is presented in a grounded way to help assist our lives on Earth. In this book, the most detailed and powerful channeled teachings that have come through in recent years are presented in depth. Published for the first time, these teachings are sourced from ancient Vega Mysticism – the awakening teachings brought to Earth in ancient days from both Sirius and the Pleiades called The School of the 9 Serpents. After millennia of absence, our Sirian and Pleiadian forefathers have now resumed their teachings to match the next phase of human evolution.
This book contains two threads. One thread is the awakening teachings of the Pleiades that were part of the ancient school, called the Golden Lake Teachings, which work with the heart and have the gentle and distinct flavor of our Pleiadian forefathers. The second thread is the Sirian teachings that make up the structural foundation of the School of the 9 Serpents. One needn’t believe in the reality of extraterrestrials in order to gain immense benefit from the wisdom in this book. These teachings are consciousness-centered and based on the necessary integration of body, mind, spirit and emotion, as well as light and shadow. Together, the Pleiadian and Sirian teachings provide an invaluable road map for the next phase of human evolution – the integration of polarity and the awakening of our consciousness beyond duality.
The Golden Lake: Wisdom from the Stars for Life on Earth
by Lyssa Royal Holt
Published by Light Technology Publishing
Beginning with the classic book The Prism of Lyra in 1989, Lyssa Royal Holt’s channeling has focused on deep, profound galactic wisdom that is presented in a grounded way to help assist our lives on Earth. In this book, the most detailed and powerful channeled teachings that have come through in recent years are presented in depth. Published for the first time, these teachings are sourced from ancient Vega Mysticism – the awakening teachings brought to Earth in ancient days from both Sirius and the Pleiades called The School of the 9 Serpents. After millennia of absence, our Sirian and Pleiadian forefathers have now resumed their teachings to match the next phase of human evolution.
This book contains two threads. One thread is the awakening teachings of the Pleiades that were part of the ancient school, called the Golden Lake Teachings, which work with the heart and have the gentle and distinct flavor of our Pleiadian forefathers. The second thread is the Sirian teachings that make up the structural foundation of the School of the 9 Serpents. One needn’t believe in the reality of extraterrestrials in order to gain immense benefit from the wisdom in this book. These teachings are consciousness-centered and based on the necessary integration of body, mind, spirit and emotion, as well as light and shadow. Together, the Pleiadian and Sirian teachings provide an invaluable road map for the next phase of human evolution – the integration of polarity and the awakening of our consciousness beyond duality.
Feedback on The Golden Lake
"[Lyssa’s] work is always thought provoking. Reading her books is invariably a delightful treat, and I find myself re-reading most of them over time, finding new gems with each pass. One does not have to believe in channeling or extraterrestrials to gain valuable insight from her work. The content stands on its own." – Courtney Brown, Ph.D., Director of the Farsight Institute and author of Remote Viewing: The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception and Cosmic Voyage: A Scientific Discover of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth
“Lyssa’s unique ability to access detailed galactic history with such loving focus on evolution brings a deep sense of cosmic family, bridging the vastness of space and time into the human experience. The Golden Lake offers a profound guide map for humanity’s healing and ascension. Lyssa’s powerful work continues to be a resource for those that feel a longing for improving life and expanding the power of love on Earth.” – Jamye Price, author of Opening to Light Language and the Cosmic Consciousness Ascension Deck. JamyePrice.com
“A new myth is starting to emerge from our collective unconscious, and Lyssa's work is the keystone of that myth. This book helps us to navigate our inner worlds and the outer chaos of our perceptions while using the archetypes of our galactic history that are relatable even to those of us who do not take interest in extraterrestrial intelligence or spiritual principles. It is applicable in our day-to-day lives and offers us a broader, deeper understanding of our reality. I believe it should be a part of every curriculum.” – Vashta Narada (Aleksandra Aleksandrov), Intuitive Galactic Artist at Vashta.com, seen in the Interview with E.D. (Extradimensionals) series on Gaia TV.
“This profound material channeled by Lyssa Royal Holt encourages humanity to choose to go through the process of awakening instead of allowing self-destruction. It describes awakening to who we truly are and how to move through our awakening. This insightful perspective helps us to deal with the serious challenges that face us individually and collectively, and emphasizes the urgent need to do so. As a psychotherapist, I appreciate the deep insights and understanding of how we humans psychologically function, and how we can do deep inner healing and become more enlightenened – to ‘be in the world but not of it.’ [This book] is truly a significant offering to humanity.” -- Barbara Lamb, MS, MFT, CHT, Psychotherapist, International Speaker and author of many books including Meet the Hybrids
For several years I have been interviewing channels and the beings they channel for my series Interview with E.D. (Extra Dimensionals) that is seen on Gaia TV. Lyssa has been on the show twice and we have more episodes planned. The material she brings through is some of the most comprehensive and palatable, particularly in regard to our galactic history. Lyssa and the entourage of cosmic teachers she brings through seem to have a grasp on our galactic history like no others. They create a frame work that is easily identifiable and translatable to our current limited language paradigm. The more we know about our cosmic history and family the more we know about ourselves. This is what our journey here is all about—self exploration and evolution!
– Reuben Langdon, Actor and Filmmaker of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure and the Interview with E.D. (Extra-Dimensionals) series seen on Gaia TV.
“Lyssa’s unique ability to access detailed galactic history with such loving focus on evolution brings a deep sense of cosmic family, bridging the vastness of space and time into the human experience. The Golden Lake offers a profound guide map for humanity’s healing and ascension. Lyssa’s powerful work continues to be a resource for those that feel a longing for improving life and expanding the power of love on Earth.” – Jamye Price, author of Opening to Light Language and the Cosmic Consciousness Ascension Deck. JamyePrice.com
“A new myth is starting to emerge from our collective unconscious, and Lyssa's work is the keystone of that myth. This book helps us to navigate our inner worlds and the outer chaos of our perceptions while using the archetypes of our galactic history that are relatable even to those of us who do not take interest in extraterrestrial intelligence or spiritual principles. It is applicable in our day-to-day lives and offers us a broader, deeper understanding of our reality. I believe it should be a part of every curriculum.” – Vashta Narada (Aleksandra Aleksandrov), Intuitive Galactic Artist at Vashta.com, seen in the Interview with E.D. (Extradimensionals) series on Gaia TV.
“This profound material channeled by Lyssa Royal Holt encourages humanity to choose to go through the process of awakening instead of allowing self-destruction. It describes awakening to who we truly are and how to move through our awakening. This insightful perspective helps us to deal with the serious challenges that face us individually and collectively, and emphasizes the urgent need to do so. As a psychotherapist, I appreciate the deep insights and understanding of how we humans psychologically function, and how we can do deep inner healing and become more enlightenened – to ‘be in the world but not of it.’ [This book] is truly a significant offering to humanity.” -- Barbara Lamb, MS, MFT, CHT, Psychotherapist, International Speaker and author of many books including Meet the Hybrids
For several years I have been interviewing channels and the beings they channel for my series Interview with E.D. (Extra Dimensionals) that is seen on Gaia TV. Lyssa has been on the show twice and we have more episodes planned. The material she brings through is some of the most comprehensive and palatable, particularly in regard to our galactic history. Lyssa and the entourage of cosmic teachers she brings through seem to have a grasp on our galactic history like no others. They create a frame work that is easily identifiable and translatable to our current limited language paradigm. The more we know about our cosmic history and family the more we know about ourselves. This is what our journey here is all about—self exploration and evolution!
– Reuben Langdon, Actor and Filmmaker of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure and the Interview with E.D. (Extra-Dimensionals) series seen on Gaia TV.
Now Available! |
Paperback Version
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Preparing for Contact by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest (New 2011 Edition)
Extraterrestrial contact is happening now.
We may not remember it clearly. We may think it is only a dream. We may ignore the signs of contact because we do not understand them. And most of all, we may simply be too frightened to fully acknowledge its presence. The contact experience is intricately tied to the nature of our consciousness. When we as a species evolve, so will the nature of our contact experiences.
Part 1 was first published in 1994. This new edition includes part 2, and is a groundbreaking book with all new information that explores Lyssa’s contact research around the world from 1994 to present day. It is a combination of narrative, channeled material from renown channel Lyssa Royal, and personal accounts from teams of contact pioneers – those who research ET contact in real time and reach out to initiate contact through their work with specially-trained contact teams. An inside look at the ET contact experience is given, including what the human consciousness experiences during contact and how our perceptions of reality change as we meet with beings from other worlds. The authors present a breathtaking look at the contact phenomenon and its connection to the evolution of the human species.
Through these pages you will:
We may not remember it clearly. We may think it is only a dream. We may ignore the signs of contact because we do not understand them. And most of all, we may simply be too frightened to fully acknowledge its presence. The contact experience is intricately tied to the nature of our consciousness. When we as a species evolve, so will the nature of our contact experiences.
Part 1 was first published in 1994. This new edition includes part 2, and is a groundbreaking book with all new information that explores Lyssa’s contact research around the world from 1994 to present day. It is a combination of narrative, channeled material from renown channel Lyssa Royal, and personal accounts from teams of contact pioneers – those who research ET contact in real time and reach out to initiate contact through their work with specially-trained contact teams. An inside look at the ET contact experience is given, including what the human consciousness experiences during contact and how our perceptions of reality change as we meet with beings from other worlds. The authors present a breathtaking look at the contact phenomenon and its connection to the evolution of the human species.
Through these pages you will:
- Receive new tools through which you can understand and interpret your contact experiences
- Journey with Lyssa and her teams around the world as they do real time contact research and find out what they discover and experience
- Learn how to form your own contact teams and begin your own research
- Discover the keys to experiencing contact as an evolutionary process
- Explore how dreams and meditative realities merge with the contact state
- See the importance of unified fields and group energy in contact work and the evolution of Earth, and much more!
Paperback Format
$16.95 from Light Technology Publishing 2nd Edition To purchase the paperback from Amazon, click on the link below. |
Kindle eBook Format (2nd Edition)
Light Technology Publishing Includes new, extra material. To purchase the 2nd Edition Kindle on Amazon, click below. This is the version we recommend! |
The Prism of Lyra by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest (New 2011 Edition)
The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage Vol 2 / New Material!
This classic book, first published in 1989, is loved around the world and is recognized as one of the first of its kind. Channeled by world renown author and channel Lyssa Royal Holt, it explores the idea that the One Consciousness created the physical universe for specific purposes and that this One Consciousness manifests itself through many eyes – terrestrial and extraterrestrial. The result? A grand tapestry of beings, scattered throughout the galaxy, all working for the same purposes.
What are those purposes? Who is involved? These questions and more are addressed, resulting in startling possibilities. In volume 2, we include new material that expands the original exploration in volume 1, adding depth and poignancy to our journey through the stars.
Chapters include: Dimensional Infusion; Creation of the Galactic Family; The Womb of Lyra; The Sirius Factor; The Winds of Orion; Earth's Pleiadian Cousins; The Gateway of Arcturus; Earth Inception; Zeta Reticuli - Transformation and Awakening; and Integration: Coming Home to Ourselves. Part 2: A Galactic Creation Story.
The Prism of Lyra traces various extraterrestrial civilizations through their own evolution and ties them back to the developing Earth. Highlighted is the realization of our galactic interconnectedness and our shared desire to return home.
Explore with us the passage through …The Prism of Lyra!
This classic book, first published in 1989, is loved around the world and is recognized as one of the first of its kind. Channeled by world renown author and channel Lyssa Royal Holt, it explores the idea that the One Consciousness created the physical universe for specific purposes and that this One Consciousness manifests itself through many eyes – terrestrial and extraterrestrial. The result? A grand tapestry of beings, scattered throughout the galaxy, all working for the same purposes.
What are those purposes? Who is involved? These questions and more are addressed, resulting in startling possibilities. In volume 2, we include new material that expands the original exploration in volume 1, adding depth and poignancy to our journey through the stars.
Chapters include: Dimensional Infusion; Creation of the Galactic Family; The Womb of Lyra; The Sirius Factor; The Winds of Orion; Earth's Pleiadian Cousins; The Gateway of Arcturus; Earth Inception; Zeta Reticuli - Transformation and Awakening; and Integration: Coming Home to Ourselves. Part 2: A Galactic Creation Story.
The Prism of Lyra traces various extraterrestrial civilizations through their own evolution and ties them back to the developing Earth. Highlighted is the realization of our galactic interconnectedness and our shared desire to return home.
Explore with us the passage through …The Prism of Lyra!
The Prism of Lyra - 2nd Edition
Paperback Format - 2nd Edition
$16.95 - Light Technology Publishing |
The Prism of Lyra - 2nd Edition
Kindle eBook Format
$9.99 from Light Technology Publishing 2nd Edition |
Visitors from Within by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest (1999 Edition)
Visitors from Within: Extraterrestrial Encounters and Species Evolution (2nd Edition)
Explore the extraterrestrial contact and "abduction" phenomena in a unique and intriguing way. Visitors from Within combines narrative, precisely-focused channeled material and firsthand accounts. This book challenges the reader to use the "abduction" phenomenon as a tool for personal and planetary evolution.
This is a new (1999) edition of a classic work, with fascinating new information. This new information focuses on the abilities of children to transcend the barrier that lies between humans and extraterrestrials. Visitors from Within will captivate you, move you, and encourage you to expand your beliefs about extraterrestrial contact ... forever.
* Visitors from Within is recommended reading for all experiencers and researchers of the abduction phenomenon ... Regardless of how one interprets the information, it encourages the expansion of belief systems and the development of new paradigms... -- Jean E. Byrne, RN, PhD, Oklahoma MUFON Consulting Hypnotherapist and State Chapter President of the American Nurse Hypnotherapy Association.
* Visitors from Within is a great help in overcoming our fear of the unknown, especially for those interacting with various strange beings in either conscious or subconscious states. This book provides a most profound insight into our future. All seekers of truth should carefully consider its message. -- Donald M. Ware, Lt. Col. USAF (Ret)
* This is an intriguing and inspirational challenge for anyone who has an interest in UFO and abduction experiences, and the reader will not be able to put the book down. Visitors from Within will challenge your outlook on these experiences and provide profound insight and hypotheses into the visitor phenomenon ... -- The Arizona Networking News
* As a theoretical framework, Visitors from Within permits resolution of some of the most troubling contradictions in the data of abduction. As speculative philosophy, it is often profound, often moving, always intriguing. It acknowledges the sometimes infuriating strangeness of the visitor phenomenon, yet left me feeling somehow less estranged from the visitors. That alone is a great achievement. -- Michael Lindemann, 2020 Group, author of UFOs and the Alien Presence.
Explore the extraterrestrial contact and "abduction" phenomena in a unique and intriguing way. Visitors from Within combines narrative, precisely-focused channeled material and firsthand accounts. This book challenges the reader to use the "abduction" phenomenon as a tool for personal and planetary evolution.
This is a new (1999) edition of a classic work, with fascinating new information. This new information focuses on the abilities of children to transcend the barrier that lies between humans and extraterrestrials. Visitors from Within will captivate you, move you, and encourage you to expand your beliefs about extraterrestrial contact ... forever.
* Visitors from Within is recommended reading for all experiencers and researchers of the abduction phenomenon ... Regardless of how one interprets the information, it encourages the expansion of belief systems and the development of new paradigms... -- Jean E. Byrne, RN, PhD, Oklahoma MUFON Consulting Hypnotherapist and State Chapter President of the American Nurse Hypnotherapy Association.
* Visitors from Within is a great help in overcoming our fear of the unknown, especially for those interacting with various strange beings in either conscious or subconscious states. This book provides a most profound insight into our future. All seekers of truth should carefully consider its message. -- Donald M. Ware, Lt. Col. USAF (Ret)
* This is an intriguing and inspirational challenge for anyone who has an interest in UFO and abduction experiences, and the reader will not be able to put the book down. Visitors from Within will challenge your outlook on these experiences and provide profound insight and hypotheses into the visitor phenomenon ... -- The Arizona Networking News
* As a theoretical framework, Visitors from Within permits resolution of some of the most troubling contradictions in the data of abduction. As speculative philosophy, it is often profound, often moving, always intriguing. It acknowledges the sometimes infuriating strangeness of the visitor phenomenon, yet left me feeling somehow less estranged from the visitors. That alone is a great achievement. -- Michael Lindemann, 2020 Group, author of UFOs and the Alien Presence.
Paperback Format
$14.95 - from Granite Publishing and Royal Priest Research Press |
Kindle eBook Format
$8.99 from Royal Priest Research Press 2nd Edition |
Millennium: Tools for the Coming Changes by Lyssa Royal
Since the mid-1980s Lyssa Royal has been receiving ground-breaking information and teachings from the spiritual realms. In addition to seminars taught around the globe, this information has been shared with magazine and book readers worldwide. Now, for the first time ever, some of the most profound teachings that have been given through Lyssa are synthesized into book form.
Millennium: Tools for the Coming Changes intimately explores the global shift in consciousness, the inner workings of the human psyche, and the nature of reality in a way that inspires readers to bring more happiness, fulfillment, and self-empowerment into their lives. Millennium offers instruction to those readers who wish to incorporate the teachings into their lives through simple yet effective techniques designed to shift the perception of the reader and thus their very reality itself. Millennium is an effective guidebook to navigate the uncharted waters of the new millennium with ease, grace, self-confidence, and an open heart.
Chapters Include: The Shift; Transformation and Opportunity; Conscious Evolution; Reawakening Cosmic Memory; Keys to Physical and Emotional Transformation; Healing the Past through Integration; Change Yourself - Change Your Reality; Releasing Conflict and Control; Intimacy and the Sacred Marriage; Creating Healthy Relationships; Navigating the Path of Life; Becoming Whole; Spiritual Sovereignty; Opening the Heart.
Lyssa Royal has built an exceptional body of work that stands as one of the highlights within the field of channeling . . . --Jon Klimo, Ph.D., Author of Channeling: Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources
Ms. Royal presents viewpoints that are no-nonsense, sensible, and logical. Her work is head and shoulders above material from most other channeled sources. --Shari Adamiak, Contributing Author of Zen in the Art of Close Encounters
Lyssa exhibits that rare quality called pioneering spirit . . . she can combine curiosity, imagination, and insight, creating new perspectives that enrich and enlighten . . . -- Darryl Anka, channel and co-author of Contact Cards and Beyond My Wildest Dreams
Lyssa gives profound insights into the mystery of the unknown that offer meaning and understanding. Her presentation is empowering as she communicates this information in such a clear way that one can integrate it into their personal journey of transformation . . . --Robin Haines-Johnson, Producer, Axiom Conferences
Millennium: Tools for the Coming Changes intimately explores the global shift in consciousness, the inner workings of the human psyche, and the nature of reality in a way that inspires readers to bring more happiness, fulfillment, and self-empowerment into their lives. Millennium offers instruction to those readers who wish to incorporate the teachings into their lives through simple yet effective techniques designed to shift the perception of the reader and thus their very reality itself. Millennium is an effective guidebook to navigate the uncharted waters of the new millennium with ease, grace, self-confidence, and an open heart.
Chapters Include: The Shift; Transformation and Opportunity; Conscious Evolution; Reawakening Cosmic Memory; Keys to Physical and Emotional Transformation; Healing the Past through Integration; Change Yourself - Change Your Reality; Releasing Conflict and Control; Intimacy and the Sacred Marriage; Creating Healthy Relationships; Navigating the Path of Life; Becoming Whole; Spiritual Sovereignty; Opening the Heart.
Lyssa Royal has built an exceptional body of work that stands as one of the highlights within the field of channeling . . . --Jon Klimo, Ph.D., Author of Channeling: Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources
Ms. Royal presents viewpoints that are no-nonsense, sensible, and logical. Her work is head and shoulders above material from most other channeled sources. --Shari Adamiak, Contributing Author of Zen in the Art of Close Encounters
Lyssa exhibits that rare quality called pioneering spirit . . . she can combine curiosity, imagination, and insight, creating new perspectives that enrich and enlighten . . . -- Darryl Anka, channel and co-author of Contact Cards and Beyond My Wildest Dreams
Lyssa gives profound insights into the mystery of the unknown that offer meaning and understanding. Her presentation is empowering as she communicates this information in such a clear way that one can integrate it into their personal journey of transformation . . . --Robin Haines-Johnson, Producer, Axiom Conferences
Paperback Format $13.95 - ISBN 0-9631320-3-2 from Royal Priest Research Press CLICK the button below to order from Amazon |
Kindle eBook from Amazon Royal Priest Research Press $8.99 Click the button below to order from Amazon |